L7100098 -
7100098 - |
KVFU 125 C1 aut tc Old article number |
KVFU 125 C1 aut tc L7100098 |
Parameter | Value | Unit |
Voltage | 230 | V |
Phase | 1 | ~ |
Frequency | 50 | Hz |
Power | 60 | W |
Current | 0.26 | A |
Speed | 2520 | r.p.m. |
Max. temperature of transported air | 70 | °C |
Max. temperature of transported air when speed controlled | 70 | °C |
Sound pressure level at 3 m | 44 | dB(A) |
Weight | 2.5 | kg |
Enclosure class | 44 | IP |
Insulation class, motor | F | |
Capacitor | 2 | µF |
Duct connection | 125 | mm |
Max. flow @ 0Pa | 125 | l/s |
Max. pressure | 338 | Pa |
Voltage range | 220-240 | V |
Parameter | Value | Unit |
(a) Manufacturer | Östberg | - |
(b) Model code | KVFU 125 C1 | - |
(c) SEC average climate | -26.1 | kWh/m2 |
SEC average climate, class | B | - |
SEC warm climate | -10.6 | kWh/m2 |
SEC warm climate, class | E | - |
SEC cold climate | -53.2 | kWh/m2 |
SEC cold climate, class | A+ | - |
(d) Declared type | RVU / UVU | - |
(e) Type of drive | Multi-speed drive (accessory) | - |
(f) Type of heat recovery | N/A | - |
(g) Thermal efficiency | N/A | % |
(h) Max. flow rate (@100Pa) | 329 | m3/h |
(i) Power at max. flow rate | 60 | W |
(j) Sound power level | 51 | dB LwA |
(k) Reference flow rate | 0.085 | m3/s |
(l) Reference pressure difference | 50 | Pa |
(m) SPI | 0.13 | W/(m3/h) |
(n) Type of control/ctrl factor | Local demand control(accessory)/0.65 | - |
(o) External (and internal) leakage rate | N/A (N/A) | % |
(p) Mixing rate | N/A | - |
(q) Visual filter warning | N/A | - |
(r) Instruction supply/exhaust grilles | See manual | - |
(s) Disassembly instructions | fsp.ostberg.com | - |
(t) Airflow sensitivity | N/A | - |
(u) Air tightness | N/A | m/s |
(v) AEC | 88 | kWh |
(w) AHS average | 2830 | kWh |
AHS warmer | 1280 | kWh |
AHS colder | 5536 | kWh |
KVFU 125 C1 man tc 7100046 (50)/60Hz |
KVFU 125 C1 aut tc L7100098 (50)/60Hz |
Parameter | Value | Unit | Value | Unit |
Voltage | 230 | V | 230 | V |
Phase | 1 | ~ | 1 | ~ |
Frequency | 60 | Hz | 60 | Hz |
Power | 82 | W | 82 | W |
Current | 0.36 | A | 0.36 | A |
Speed | 2810 | r.p.m. | 2810 | r.p.m. |
Max. temperature of transported air | 70 | °C | 70 | °C |
Max. temperature of transported air when speed controlled | 70 | °C | 70 | °C |
Sound pressure level at 3 m | 43 | dB(A) | 43 | dB(A) |
Weight | 2.5 | kg | 2.5 | kg |
Enclosure class | 44 | IP | 44 | IP |
Insulation class, motor | F | F | ||
Capacitor | 2 | µF | 2 | µF |
Duct connection | 125 | mm | 125 | mm |
Max. flow @ 0Pa | 165 | l/s | 165 | l/s |
Max. pressure | 474 | Pa | 474 | Pa |
Voltage range | 220-240 | V | 220-240 | V |